Your Biggest Concerns
Homeowners who have marble surfaces throughout their homes very often wonder how to care for marble in a proper way:
- how to make marble continue looking new for years to come?
- how to prevent deterioration of marble?
- what to do in case of appearances of defects on the marble surfaces?
Marble has been a choice material for home interior for many years. It is very appealing and grand, long lasting and is considered to have certain antiseptic properties. However...
Marble Requires Special Attention
Marble is a porous material, so colorful liquids such as coffee, wine, tea can penetrate marble’s pores by several millimeters. This makes cleaning very challenging if not impossible.
Marble is also a carbonate rock which means it is highly sensitive to acids. Just a small amount of vinegar, lemon juice or any cleaning agent will corrode the marble surface.
How a Pizza Box Can Ruin Your House...
When asked, most homeowners prefer the uniqueness and beauty of marble but are concerned about the maintenance and annual re-sealings. In the past, the only option to protect marble was traditional penetrating sealers. These types of sealers provide limited protection and require annual reapplications.
It is scary to think that marble surfaces can be damaged within a matter of seconds by wine, oils and other household products, which slowly decreases the overall appeal and value of your home. A pizza box left on the counter overnight or a simple spill of wine or olive oil leaves stains that continue to penetrate the surface while you sleep.
Tranform Your Marble From Good to Amazing
Protection should not be compromised and left up to just any stone seal. HydroShield for Marble prevents damage before it has a chance to occur and eliminates the microscopic pores where bacteria can reside and multiply.
HydroShield for Marble transforms marble from good to amazing. By bonding to the surface and creating an ultra-smooth, invisible barrier, the first thing our customers notice is just how silky smooth their HydroShield protected marble feels.
We provide our customers with long-term peace of mind guaranteed to last up to 3 years, transforming marble into a low-maintenance, easy-to-clean surface.
Relax, we have you covered!

What You Get With Hydroshield:
Outlasts and outperforms all other sealants on the market.
Offers multiple finish options such as natural look or color enhancement which is non-fading.
Repels both oil and water based stains.
Reduces maintenance time.
Prevents surface degradation.
Eliminates replacement costs.
3-year warranty.

More Than a Warranty, It’s Peace of Mind From a Company You Can Trust
HydroShield for Marble comes with a 3-year warranty in most cases. We are a locally owned and operated business. We stand behind every application that we do.
If you have a question or concern, you call a local number and speak to a local person, not a toll-free number where you sit on hold and hope for a solution.
Why Choose Hydroshield?
Superior Protection Backed by 20+ Years of Experience
We know that claiming HydroShield for Marble is the best marble protection on the market is bold.
Our claim is backed by 20+ years of experience and over a million applications “Trusted” and “proven” are just a couple words our customers use when asked why they chose HydroShield.
Our innovative marble sealing is unique. It is unlike any other sealant on the market because of the dual protection it offers. This dual or hybrid protection not only penetrates the marble to protect it from the inside out, it also provides a barrier of protection to the surface of the marble.
The result is an easy to clean, highly durable and stain resistant marble.
We Love our Customers
We have solutions for all of your surface protection, sealing and restoration needs. Schedule your free bid today!